Woodworking Plan for a Toilet Roll Holder! [CAN I FIND A FREE ONE?]

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There is something that all of us use every day- toilet roll (OK, some countries like Thailand don’t use toilet roll but you get the idea!!). This toilet roll needs to be stored, and hopefully in a simple and elegant way. If you even the most hobbyist DIY or woodworking enthusiast, you have probably thought of making a toilet roll holder. In fact, the simple nature of this piece makes it the perfect starter woodworking project. So I am going to do the legwork for you and scour the internet to help you find a free toilet roll holder woodworking plan to complete your bathroom decor! If you are interested, read on……

Before we start. Calling all passionate woodworkers! Are you tired of wasting precious time searching for the perfect woodworking plans? Look no further! Unlock the ultimate treasure trove of over 10,000 meticulously curated plans, all in one convenient place. Say goodbye to pricey individual plans and embrace this exclusive offer for just $50-60. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your woodworking game. Click HERE to embark on your woodworking journey like never before 🙂

Best Toilet Roll Holder Woodworking Plans on the Internet

So the search begins for that epic toilet paper holder (or some might say dispenser!), and my initial searches on our favorite search engine (Google!) gives me hope that this is going to be a good one.

The Toilet Roll Holder Round Up Post

The first plan that I will give you is actually a round up post containing many ideas for making a toilet roll holder. Granted, not all of these ideas are strictly woodworked (is that even a word?), but to be fair, a lot of them are. And also only a few of them actually have a physical plan to look at, but frankly, most of these toilet roll holders are so simple that I think you could get away with making up your own plan. If you are after an easy project, this could be the set of toilet roll holders for you 🙂

Even if you don’t use this post to get your plan, you will get a lot of great ideas that you can implement in your own toilet roll holder. Click the image below to view the post for yourself.

Woodworker’s Workshop by Jim Barry

This is another round up post of sorts. There are not as many ideas on this post as the last and unfortunately some of the plans on this list are paid (albeit for a pretty much nominal fee). However, more of these have actual woodworking plans (unlike the first post above) and the ideas on show here are pretty impressive. Although the cloud toilet roll holder is a paid plan, this is one of the coolest looking toilet roll holders I have ever seen. If you are after an advanced toilet roll holder made out of wood that will wow your friends, this is it 🙂 Click the image below to view the roundup post for yourself.

There are a lot of toilet paper holders on here that give me that farmhouse vibe! And help you hold extra rolls whilst still looking classy 🙂

The Kreg Rustic Toilet Roll Holder

Is this a true and pure woodworking project? Not particularly. It’s more like a woodwork and metal work hybrid! It’s a pretty simple concept, but it does have wood in it so I am including it!! We are really scraping the barrel here 🙂 Whether it is truly a woodwork plan or not will fade quickly in the memory when you see this thing. It looks pretty awesome, almost steampunk in nature. If you are after a cool-looking toilet roll holder, you will probably love this thing. When talking about cool bathroom accessories, this toilet paper holder fits the bill!

As you would expect from Kreg, they have made a fully fledged woodworking plan here (or as fully fledged as you can be for such a simple project). It goes over everything in detail with accompanying photos that help a lot.

If you want to find out more about this toilet roll holder you can click the image below to view for yourself.

Best Toilet Roll Holder Woodworking Plans on YouTube

It is pretty hard finding a YouTube video that actually includes an accompanying woodworking plan, but these videos are good if you just want an idea of how to go about making a toilet roll holder. These videos literally show you the process step by step, making it pretty easy to follow (especially for all you visual learners out there).

Tiny House Ideas Toilet Roll Holder

This video is pretty short, but it does walk through the process this person took for building their own toilet roll holder. There is also decent commentary on this video explaining each step. I got excited when I saw that this video had a link in the description for a fully fledged woodworking plan, but unfortunately that turned out to be a dead link! Anyway, this video will certainly provide a good starting point for anyone wanting to make a toilet roll holder out of wood 🙂

Walker’s Woodworks Toilet Roll Holder

This video is pretty much the same story as the last. I got excited (again) when I saw that this video also has a link in the description for a fully fledged woodworking plan, but yet again I clicked it and it turned out to be a dead link. It seems like quite a challenge to find an actual toilet roll woodworking plan through YouTube. As with the last video, this one also walks us through the process of making another style of toilet roll holder out of wood. The commentary again explains each step well, and there are some decent tips along the way. See for yourself below:

As you can see, it can be hard finding woodworking plans online and can take up quite a bit of your time. I don’t know about you, but I value my time a lot! Therefore, I personally like to use woodworking plan packs that literally have many thousand of quality plans in one place. This means I don’t always have to waste time searching the internet. Take a look at this pack of woodworking plans on their official website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which one is better: DIY or professionally made toilet paper dispenser?

That depends on your budget, your expectations and your skill as a woodworker. If you are just looking for something cheap and cheerful, then there are several simple but effective toilet paper holders above that would be perfect; easy projects, even for a novice woodworker. If, however, you want a toilet roll holder accessory that looks high end or something, you will need to make sure your woodworking skill is at least intermediate. There are definitely some ‘classy’ toilet roll plans above, you just need to be able to execute well. And it goes without saying that making a DIY toilet roll holder at home will be cheaper than buying a finished product from a store (of similar standard).

Can I make my own DIY toilet paper dispenser at home for less than $10?

Yes, you can. The first toilet roll dispenser project in this article is a simple project made up of a couple of pieces of wood. This could easily be made for under $10 and would look much nicer than what you could buy in a store for the same price.